Saturday, February 25, 2017

Spray Painted Antique High Chair

The Thrift Shop High Chair

Scored this relic for a couple bucks a while back and always wanted to paint it.
After painting the kitchen a dark turquoise, I figured some bright red would give this chair a needed boost.

I wiped down the chair and took it outside to spray paint. I didn't sand or prime it.

Bought 2 cans of Rust-Oleum in Poppy Red in Satin and painted the underside first.

Flipped Chair right side up and 2 cans of paint later I got this...

I sprayed 2 coats around the chair at all angles to be sure and get all the little detailed nooks.  

It pops!
Baby Shane likes it, and that's all that matters to me!

Lets take a look at that before and after side by side...

Dang!  What a super fun and easy project!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Growing an avocado tree from seed

I always save avocado seeds because I hate throwing away something that has the potential be so freaking great. Usually the seeds sit by my sink until they turn black and shrivel up. Or I start the process and forget to water the seed. Hopefully this blog in progress will help me stay on task.

Step 1

I gathered some baby food jars and suspended the seeds halfway in water with various pointy things and sat them in front of a window in the kitchen. I will change out/add water as needed and update as soon as I see any action. The seed should split and send roots down into the water. 

Now we play the waiting game...